Workshop II: If You Have Lungs, You Can Get Lung Cancer
July 2, 2022 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm EDT
Participants will learn about how physicians utilize low dose chest computed tomography (LDCT) to detect lung cancer when lung cancer is small and curable.
Lung cancer screening is not a one-time CT scan or Chest X-ray, but a “multidisciplinary program” composed of a dedicated multidisciplinary team, nurse navigators and LDCTs to evaluate changes in “spots” on our lungs (lung nodules) over time.
Healthcare professionals will discuss how to improve access to high quality multidisciplinary programs recognized as Go2 Foundation Screening Centers of Excellence in communities of color.
1. To define the role of navigators in the early detection and prevention of lung cancer
2. To explain how dedicated multidisciplinary lung cancer screening programs are improving lung cancer survival and detecting lung cancer when it is curable.
3. To discuss why health equities, exist in the early detection of lung cancer
4. To evaluate the process of accessing support services during the lung cancer screening and diagnosis process
5. To describe how enrolling in multidisciplinary lung cancer screening programs is more effective in detecting lung cancer in the earliest stages when it is curable than completing a CT scan at an imaging center.